Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Dec 18

We worked at the LTVA again today and it was pretty uneventful. We only had 4 registrations. Few and far between....
One person came in and filed a complaint. We took it and informed the ranger and he will deal with it. That's all we can do about complaints, take them and report them to the appropriate personnel. We don't make judgements, we just state facts of what has happened.
Ron stopped by and I tried to pilot his helicopter. I'm not an experienced pilot yet and it just kept crashing. It was a good laugh tho.
Larry, camp host, brought me over a piece of homemade bread right out of the oven. Boy was that ever good. Got to get his recipe for that!
Not much else happening today, so this is going to be the short post today.
HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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