Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Dec 12

Tis the season! Our Christmas tree lights on our "pine?" tree.

We went to some of the vendors in Rice Ranch and up on the main road in town today. I got some shots of some of the things that were being sold. The horse is a picture for my sister, Jan!

It was windy and cold again today. This morning it was 36 degrees before the sun came up. Frost on the truck window too!!

Since it was so chilly this morning, Carley just had to put on her new coat that my sister, Donna & I made her this summer..
Don't forget to go outside about 2am in the morning and see the giant meteor shower. It is supposed to be a great one. I saw one meteor last night. Also in the East the last couple of night there seems to be a gold star shining. Go take a look!!!

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