Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Busy days

This was in the yard of someone by the lake. For a minute I thought I was back in Arizona!

I've had a few busy days this past week.

At work, we are starting to have new calves. 3 have been born so far and they now have ear tags. Henry has been doing a good job getting that taken care of. The sheep are still waiting to lamb. The real heavy lambing will take place the 1st 3 weeks of March.

We moved 73 cows to a north pasture yesterday. We drove them from one pasture up the road to some corrals and then trailered them to the pasture. It did take all day. We could only put 11 cows in one trailer and 7 in the other so we had several trips. The weather has been good, up in the 60's to move the cows. The weekend was warm but the winds were horrible. We had gusts to 35 mph.

I went to a bull sale on Monday. They were selling Herefords at the Van Newkirk ranch. It was televised and drew a good crowd. The top 2 year old bull sold for $9000 and there were a few that sold for $6000 - $7000. The top heifer sold for $3500. It was fun to go to. Before the sale they provided a BBQ'd brisket luncheon.

I received an email from my sister, Donna, in Laramie, WY today. She and her family have made reservations to go to San Diego over spring break in March. They will be going to the zoo, seeing the sites, walking the beach and just relaxing for a week. Wish I could fit in her suitcase!

Bob and I went to the Oshkosh auditorium today to visit the Farm and Ranch show. There were a few vendors there, nothing like the big tent in Quartzsite tho. They served lunch of BBQ beef sandwiches. Afterwards we grabbed the camera and headed toward Lake McConnahay. There is an eagle viewing area on the south side of the lake. We saw probably 60 - 70 bald eagles in the trees. It was amazing. We also saw a heron, some pelicans and ducks. There is a nice little campground just east of there also. When we get ready for our auction in April, we were thinking of taking the 5er down there for a week or so and just spend time by the lake before heading to Wyo for the summer.

I noticed in the paper that the 4-H Citizen Washington Focus delegates are taking orders for pizza to be delivered in time for the super bowl. I called one of the boys I know and have one ordered. One less thing I have to make for the super bowl and it does help the kids out!

There is a church in Keystone, NE just south of the lake we visited today. It is divided in the middle, half being protestant and half being catholic. They do hold regular services also.

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