Friday, October 24, 2008

Pumpkin patch

I had a day off on Tues. and I drove to Chappell to pick up a friend to go to the pumpkin patch with me. We drove to Big Springs and had a great time. There was acres and acres of pumpkins and gourds. We collected some and then headed back to her house. She and her husband had me join them for lunch.

I also did some geocaching and found 2 caches.

Thurs. was a busy day at the ranch. We have an extra hand for another week. Scott lives in Omaha and came out here for 2 weeks to help out. He purchaced some property from the owner earlier in the year and comes out to help on the ranch when he can. We sorted sheep, placed rams in pens with ewes, seperated cows and calves, vaccinated calves, moved cows and calves to a different pasture. It kept us busy all day. I hopped on the horse and rode her, I hadn't been on a horse in about 8 years. When I was leaving, a ewe was having her lambs.

We did get a little snow yesterday and it has been bitter cold with wind for the past 2 days. It is supposed to be warmer today

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